Ratan Tata, the man who transformed the Tata Group into a global giant through high-profile acquisitions, passed away at the age of 86, the Tata Group confirmed in a statement late Wednesday. Tata, who led the conglomerate for over two decades, had been receiving intensive care in a Mumbai hospital, according to sources close to his medical situation. Born into one of India's most influential industrial families, Ratan Tata pursued a degree in architecture from Cornell University before returning to India in 1962 to work for the group his great-grandfather had founded nearly a century earlier. He gained experience across various Tata companies, including Telco, now known as Tata Motors, and Tata Steel. He left a strong mark on the National Radio & Electronics Company (NELCO), turning around losses and increasing market share. In 1991, Ratan Tata took over as chairman from his uncle, JRD Tata, just as India was entering a new era of economic liberalization. The reforms opened t...